Friday, December 28, 2018


2018 is coming to a close and it seems to have flown by so very quickly.  I'm already thinking of spring colours.  I'd like to make a few more cup cozies and perhaps a spring scarf - if I have the strength of character to actually stick with a project larger than a washcloth, which I have been making by the dozens (and dozens).

The weather has been frightfully interesting - or interestingly frightful (depending on your point of view) - with devastating windstorms and power outages, but no snow here on the island.  

We were rather spoiled with snow and cold temperatures for the past few winters, so it's been a bit strange getting use to our mild Christmas weather again, although I have to admit that I em rather enjoying it.  I've always loved the rain and it does seem as if the dark days at the end of the year go by ever so much faster when there is no snow.  

I think it would be a wizard idea if we could wake up Christmas morning to a winter wonderland of snow and then have it all disappear by the next morning.

In the meantime, here are some interesting vertical clouds that I spotted one afternoon.

I don't have any photos of my garden as it is sleeping at the moment, but here is a glimpse of one of the fuchsia plants near the end of autumn.

I couldn't resist this cute fox cookie at Starbucks.  It's a seasonal treat and I had good intentions of saving him in the freezer for a tasty snack in the summer but that only lasted about 5 minutes after I got home (no restraint).

We went for a stroll along the Steveston boardwalk in November and the weather was gorgeous with the leaves changing colour and the sun sparkling on the river (you might be able to spot my favourite photographer in this photo). 

So, dear reader, I am sending you good wishes for a magical 2019.  I hope we can get together a bit more often next year but we'll just have to wait and see what life has in store for us.  It's always interesting!  Take care and be well.

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."
~ Oprah Winfrey