Friday, December 11, 2009

From Cowl To Scarf...

I knit a new scarf …

from old yarn…

I took apart this cowl and reknit it into another Unscrunchable Scarf

I liked my cowl very much but for some reason this yarn wanted to be a scarf, so now we are both happy…

Would you like a candy cane…

or the man in the moon...

I seem to be later and later with my posts. I’ve been trying to write them from scratch on Friday mornings instead of pre-planning through the week but I don’t think it’s working well, so I’ll have to go back to the old way. In the meantime I’ll wish you a peaceful week, dear reader, and hope to see you soon.

"A good day is one spent among people whose notions of time are vaguer than yours."
~John B. Priestly