May Flowers....
These blossoms are from our neighbour’s tree and they fall over our fence. No idea of the name but they smell sooo fragrant.
I had some comments on my post last week where I mentioned the number of items I’ve knit for the Dulaan Project. Yes, I really have knit 45 items, but it’s not that impressive. I started in October last year, so it's been 7 months of knitting. I'm home all day and I knit while I listen to stories - lots of stories. It's all hats and scarves on big needles and easy designs.
Here we have some furry critters modeling the knits. I sent this photo to Ryan at MOSSY COTTAGE KNITS and she posted it on her blog (May 1st). Ryan is hoping to receive entries from every province and state before the July 1st deadline. Today's post has photos of Mongolian children wearing their knits. Makes a knitter feel good.
Speaking of furry critters, the squirrels are visiting in large numbers. This fellow's too busy stuffing his face to sit for a decent photo.
The eagle has landed….
This nest is on a small island off Garry Point, Steveston. There’s no webcam so I have no idea whether the egg hatching has been successful.
Two excellent reads this week: Alan Paton’s CRY, THE BELOVED COUNTRY and Christopher Wilson’s COTTON (published in UK as The Ballad of Lee Cotton).
It's a smallish post today, dear reader. I'm suffering from Very Little Brain, I think. I hope your week is a peaceful one. See you next Friday.
"When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it."
~Winnie the Pooh