Year's Happy Ending...
greetings dear reader,
I hope you have been enjoying this year as much as possible. It's always a surprise to me when the year comes to a close. I amble along, day by day, doing this and that - and suddenly find that it's almost Christmas. I do love celebrating Christmas and always put a few decorations up...
I have been busy with crocheting my donation cloths and managed to finish 500 this year. I feel happy when I can meet a self-imposed goal (this happens so rarely)...
We had a lovely surprise when my wee tiny Christmas cactus decided to suddenly blossom in the most incredible display...
There were so many new blossoms every day. It was astonishing really because the little plant was quite sad and weak looking when we bought it a year or two ago. Nature is truly amazing...
I wish you a merry Christmas and a most magical new year and new decade, dear reader! Take care.
"I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month."
~ Harlan Miller