Friday, October 01, 2010

Fifty One...

That’s how many feather and fan cloths I’ve left to knit before I reach my personal goal of 1,000…

It's been almost five years since I started knitting these cloths for charity...

So, here I am, almost finished…and I’m losing momentum. Does that ever happen to you? You’re within reach of your goal and suddenly those last few whatevers (cloths, miles, pounds, inches) seem impossible to achieve. I’m hoping to reach 1,000 by the end of the year, but the only way I can see it happening is to bribe myself with chocolate (I may be quite fluffy in size, come January)...

My furry friend doesn't care one way or the other, just as long as the peanuts keep showing up...

We’re in the midst of some warm, sunny days and these flowers are having one last colourful hurrah…

Mind you, now that I’ve mentioned the sunny weather, we’ll surely be back to rain in no time…

Blogger has made some changes to how we create blog posts, so if this post doesn't look right to you, it's not my fault, honest!

Speaking of changes, it’s been five months since my lovely old computer fizzled out (and I'm still feeling the pain) but I’ve finally chosen a replacement. It should be here early next week, so I’m trying to prepare myself for a new learning experience with windows 7…and we know how well I deal with change...wheee!

In the meantime I’ll wish you a peaceful week, dear reader, and hope to see you next Friday.

User, n. The word computer professionals use when they mean "idiot."
~ Dave Barry