Friday, July 08, 2005

Teddy Knits...

Guess what? I've taught Furball to knit!

I've been unable to concentrate on adult sized projects lately, so I’m knitting for my teddies. Not one of them has complained about the sizing or colours and they don’t seem to mind wearing sweaters or hats in the middle of summer. I have oodles of the smallest yarn bits I’ve been reluctant to throw away and now I have a use for them other than scarves or shawls knit lengthwise.

Here’s my latest project – a Honey Bee sweater. So far it’s still in the creative stage but progressing nicely. I’ve only had to rip it out three times. That’s a record for me:

Here’s the lucky recipient. I designed him in 1994 and his looks haven’t improved with age but he’s a warm and cuddly teddy with a big heart - and a big head:

It's a good thing no one had to give birth to this guy. His head is about 3 times larger than his body. I named him Mr. Womble because he looks more like a Womble than a teddy bear. If you like children’s stories I think you would enjoy The Wombles of Wimbledon Common, a series of English books on the misadventures of a family of wombles living beneath the common. They're well written and beautifully illustrated stories.


This is a different colour of pigeon than I've seen before.

I think the pigeon population of Richmond resides in our backyard. They spook every time we go near the window or open the door but seconds later they're back at their day job, cleaning up the overflow from the bird feeder.


We’ve completed the sanding phase on more than half the hallway now. I say ‘we’ but I’m not doing much except throwing lots of encouragement at K and trying to stay out of his way. There is so much finicky work to do because the original owners scrimped on the finishing details.

I guess it’s important that they put all the money into the foundation, walls and outside of the house. I just wish they’d saved some of their budget for the detail work on the inside.

Here’s K sanding away:

A beautiful day in BC...taken by K on one of his cycling jaunts:

So that's it for this week, kids.

"To a child, Teddy is a bridge between a human and an animal. He doesn't mind being dressed in ridiculous hats, or even being read to. You can blame him for anything, and he won't deny it. His marvelous face expresses anything a child wants to feel or hear."
~Peter Bull