Muddling Through...
We have been muddling along here, enjoying each day
in spite of what life throws at us.
I made a simple One Skein Scarf in Patons Merino Wool, Aquarium colourway...
Whilst mister is learning new stuff in the welding
realm, he created this jaunty metal man...
I thought it would be fun to grow a beet top (the part that usually is thrown in the compost bin). There has
been new growth but it's slowing down now, so not sure how long it
will last...
The colours of late autumn so muted and ever so lovely...
We've had days of this...
and this...
We also had days of chilling frost and -C temps along
with blinding sunshine. I didn't take pictures, so you'll have to
imagine sparkly white rooftops and ice on the birdbath and squirrels
begging at the door for peanuts...oh and bunnies bouncing through the
yard (I did manage a few photos of them)...
I hope you have been enjoying your days, dear
If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience.
~ Robert Fulghum