Confusion reigns...
in the weather department as we swing wildly from one system to another, but this snow squirrel chews on without a care...
the birds are sensible enough to hide away until the storm passes... and the hydrangea buds are still sleeping... A Ripple Scrap Cloth morphs into this Heart Cowl... by crocheting 21stitches on a 5mm hook for 20 inches, then sewing the two ends together and adding some colourful buttons... Teddy models it much better than I ever could... Our favourite bench where we like to sit and watch the world wake up... I love this lazy time of year, the way each day seems to drift by quietly, then suddenly we are halfway through January. The snow is gone and we are now basking in gorgeous sunshine and frosty temps., so I think it's time for me to toddle off and enjoy the day – and I hope you enjoy yours too, dear reader! “Welcome, winter. Your late dawns and chilled breath make me lazy, but I love you nonetheless.” ~ Terri Guillemets