Friday, November 26, 2010

It's A Marshmallow World....

in the winter...

when the snow comes to cover the ground...

It's a time to play...

It's a whipped cream day...

I wait for it all year round...

(with apologies to Carl Sigman for messing with his beautiful song).

We had two lovely snowfalls this week and because it was freezing cold the first snowfall didn't melt, so we had snow upon snow....I was over-the-moon happy (but I stepped on my angel when I finished as I wasn't too steady by this time)...

When there is snow my knitting falls to the side so I haven't much to show, but I did manage another Tulip Stitch Cloth (my crochet edges are always a bit wonky, but at least I finished)...

I'm also mesmerized by something new in my life (I'll tell you more about this next time)...

Last night the temperature rose and rain returned and this morning the sun has popped out, so our snow is slowing disappearing, but what magic there was for those few days. 

So dear reader, I'll wish you a peaceful week and hope to see you next Friday, but I'll sneak in just one more snow picture before I go...

"Oh! the snow, the beautiful snow, Filling the sky and earth below,
Over the housetops, over the street, Over the heads of the people you meet. Dancing, Flirting, Skimming along."

~ J.W.Watson